Monday, April 11, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2

Today I read from page 68 to 91. In these two chapters Emily,one of the main characters, wants to quit swimming. She tells her coach, but then she starts to double think her choice. She gets offered the "captain" position as a bribe to stay on the team. On the other hand, Aria's car stalls out in a rain storm on her way home from dropping her brother off at the lacrosse field. She starts having a panic attack because she feels claustrophobic. She used to get them a lot after the "JENNA" incident, but hadn't got one in awhile. A boy that goes to her school, Sean, drives by and notices that she is having a panic attack and stops to help her. He tells her that his step-mother used to get panic attacks a lot and gives her a paper bag to breathe into.

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