Friday, April 22, 2011

Pretty Little Lairs Book#2 Post #10

From pages 199-209 Aria Montgomery is sitting in her kitchen. She just recently found out that her dad was cheating on her mother. Aria is very confused and doesn't know what to do. She then starts to think about if she knows the girl she goes onto the Internet and luckily enough she finds her. Aria then looks up her address in a couple minuets not sure that's shes going to go there and confront, Meridith, but she now has the address if she needs to. A couple seconds later her phone rings and it's Sean he wants to know if she wants to go to Foxy with her. She says yes, and tells Sean the problem shes having with her  father and how he is cheating on her mother. Sean suggests that she should confront Meredith so that's what Aria does. She goes to her house very nervous but powerful and tells Meredith what the problem is. Meredith replies its none of your business and closes the door.

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