Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #5

From pages 136- 147 Hanna one of the main charectors and her best friend Mona are at the Rosewood mall shopping for "Foxy". Foxy is an event that is held every year it is for Rosewood prep schools to all come together and have a dance. Mona is going with Noel Kahn's brother Eric and Hanna was suppose to be going with Shawn but not anymore. All of the sudden Hanna's phone rings and it is her mother telling her she needs to hurry up and come home, hanna's dad, who she hadent seen in over 5 years since he left there family, was coming over to see her and pick up some marriage papers. Hanna ubruptly stops shopping and runs out of the mall egger to see her father.

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