Monday, April 18, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #6

From pages 156-168 in this book, Hanna Marin is at her house waiting for her father, who she hasn't seen in a while, to come and pick up so financial papers. He is going to be getting married next summer and to Hanna's surprise he invited her to the wedding in Pennsylvania. After the akwardness goes away they start talking about old inside jokes they had when she was six yearas old. Her father, before leaving, asks her if she would come out dinner with him and stay at the Four Seasons for a night. She says no because she is suppose to be going to the dance "Foxy" that night. But after thinking about it more she tells him that she will because she thinks that spending quality time with ehr father is more important than going to a dance that will be held next year.

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