Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #15

From pages 264 to 271 Emily wants to leave Foxy so her date Toby is driving her home. All of the sudden she gets a text for Hanna saying, "Toby s A" GET OUT OF HIS CAR! Emily asks Toby to pull over and then with out thinking she jumps out and starts running through the corn fields of Rosewood. Emily doesn't know were she is but she keeps running then it starts to rain and she keeps running.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #14

From pages 256 to 263 Spencer runs into the ladies bathroom looking for Hanna. Once she finds her with Mona she grabs her arm and runs out. Hanna very confused just goes with it. She asks Spencer whats wrong and She says Emily's Missing! Hanna and Spencer start looking every where for her but no luck.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #13

From pages 241 to 256 Sean and Aria are at the dance, foxy, they are excited to go because its the "must go thing of the year".Aria is wearing a polka-dot blue and white dress and Sean is wearing a black tux. Hanna, Sean's old girlfriend, hear that he went with Aria and rushes out of dinner to go see whats going on. When she gets there Sean and Aria are dancing. Hanna is very mad at Aria and thinks about fighting her but then decided not to.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pretty Little Lairs Book #2 Post #12

From pages 225- 240 Hanna Marin is skipping Foxy, the biggest charity of the year, to go out to dinner with her dad, that she doesn't see a  lot. When she gets to dinner she is very excited because she is happy to be spending one on one time with him. But then Isabella,her dad's fiance, and Kate, his soon to be step-daughter, come into the restaurant. Hanna doesn't like them very much because they weren't nice to her and very snobby.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #11

From pages 210 to 224 Spencer Hastings is at her house working on an English paper. Her sister Mellisa comes up and tells Spencer that she needs to go downstairs because there is a police officer that needs to talk to her. Spencer, now very concerned, walks quickly downstairs.The police officer looks familiar to Spencer and then she realizes that he use to go to their school. He asks her a couple of questions about Ali then leaves.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pretty Little Lairs Book#2 Post #10

From pages 199-209 Aria Montgomery is sitting in her kitchen. She just recently found out that her dad was cheating on her mother. Aria is very confused and doesn't know what to do. She then starts to think about if she knows the girl she goes onto the Internet and luckily enough she finds her. Aria then looks up her address in a couple minuets not sure that's shes going to go there and confront, Meridith, but she now has the address if she needs to. A couple seconds later her phone rings and it's Sean he wants to know if she wants to go to Foxy with her. She says yes, and tells Sean the problem shes having with her  father and how he is cheating on her mother. Sean suggests that she should confront Meredith so that's what Aria does. She goes to her house very nervous but powerful and tells Meredith what the problem is. Meredith replies its none of your business and closes the door.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #9

From pages 176-185 Aria gets a text from,A, telling her that she has to go to a yoga place. Emily confused but wants to get to the bottom of things goes. When she gets there she is surprised to find a lady that works with her dad teaching the class. After she looks around she sees Spencer Hastings. She walks quickly over to Spencer and asks if she had gotten any strange text messages lately. Spencer says no, all of the sudden Aria feels herself getting another panic attack. She quickly starts squeezing her arms to get back, all of the sudden shes on her bike and doesn't no whats going on.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #8

From pages 191-198 Hanna Marin is sitting on the Rosewood school bleachers watching the Varsity Boys soccer team play. It is usually a tradition to watch the first game of the season with her best friend Mona. Since Mona and her got into a fight at the mall the day before she didn't show up. Hanna was kind of upset about this but didn't want anyone to know. So she continued watching the game, then these two girls that she doesn't like come up to her and start talking but Hanna's not in the talking mood so she gets up and leaves.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #7

From pages 167-176 Emily is in her drive way with her sister,Carolyn, waiting for her mother to come out and drive them to an early morning swim practice. While they are waiting a girl that she has been avoiding comes to her house to ask her some questions. Emily than blurts out that she is going to "Foxy" with Toby Caavinah. Toby is Jennas' step-brother and Emily doesn't have a very good relationship with Jenna so she didn't know what Toby was going to say. Maya, very upset, tells Emily she has to go and quickly runs away.

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #6

From pages 156-168 in this book, Hanna Marin is at her house waiting for her father, who she hasn't seen in a while, to come and pick up so financial papers. He is going to be getting married next summer and to Hanna's surprise he invited her to the wedding in Pennsylvania. After the akwardness goes away they start talking about old inside jokes they had when she was six yearas old. Her father, before leaving, asks her if she would come out dinner with him and stay at the Four Seasons for a night. She says no because she is suppose to be going to the dance "Foxy" that night. But after thinking about it more she tells him that she will because she thinks that spending quality time with ehr father is more important than going to a dance that will be held next year.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 Post #5

From pages 136- 147 Hanna one of the main charectors and her best friend Mona are at the Rosewood mall shopping for "Foxy". Foxy is an event that is held every year it is for Rosewood prep schools to all come together and have a dance. Mona is going with Noel Kahn's brother Eric and Hanna was suppose to be going with Shawn but not anymore. All of the sudden Hanna's phone rings and it is her mother telling her she needs to hurry up and come home, hanna's dad, who she hadent seen in over 5 years since he left there family, was coming over to see her and pick up some marriage papers. Hanna ubruptly stops shopping and runs out of the mall egger to see her father.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #1 Post #4

In this book from pages 122- 136 Aria is in English class when she suddenly feels sick. She runs to get a hall pass and runs out the door heading for the bathroom. After she feels better she goes to return to class then all the sudden her phone starts buzzing, its a text message from "A". Aria now very confused spins around and is face to face with the Alison DeLarentos memorial, she is shocked. But then to make matters worse theirs a sticky note on the side that reads," Don't you want to know who I am, well im closer than you think, Love- A"

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 post #3

In the book Pretty Little Liars from pages 110- 121 Emily was at a convenience store to pick up groceries for her mother. After she paid and was about to leave the store, Aria Montgomery, one of her friends that she used to be very close with before Ali went missing, stopped her and asked if she had gotten any strange text messages. Emily lied and said that she hadn't. After that Emily quickly and nervously jumped on her bike and rode away. The next thing she knows, she's lying down in the back of Jenna's step brother's pick-up truck. She woke up and asked what was going on, he told her that she had passed out on the side of the road.

Pretty Little Liars Book #2 post #2

In pages 91-109 Spencer, one of the main characters, stops at a pizza place after school to buy a piece of pizza. She goes to pay with her Visa but it is denied by the cashier. Spencer, now very confused, goes through her purse to find her MasterCard. When she finds it, she hands to the cashier and it is also denied. She wonders why the cards are refused because they are linked to her parents' checking account. She then recalls that she fought with her parents two nights ago. Spencer is now furious that her parents cancelled her credit cards and instead of going home like she was supposed to, she stays at a friend's house for the next couple of days, not caring to call her parents.

Pretty Little Liars Book #2

Today I read from page 68 to 91. In these two chapters Emily,one of the main characters, wants to quit swimming. She tells her coach, but then she starts to double think her choice. She gets offered the "captain" position as a bribe to stay on the team. On the other hand, Aria's car stalls out in a rain storm on her way home from dropping her brother off at the lacrosse field. She starts having a panic attack because she feels claustrophobic. She used to get them a lot after the "JENNA" incident, but hadn't got one in awhile. A boy that goes to her school, Sean, drives by and notices that she is having a panic attack and stops to help her. He tells her that his step-mother used to get panic attacks a lot and gives her a paper bag to breathe into.