Monday, December 13, 2010
Breaking Dawn #5
In the first part of the chapter "Jacob" from pages 110-150. Bella starts to get sick on vacation. She can't keep any food down. Edward starts to get very worried and after a day he takes her back home. They find out that Bella is pregnant. Edward and Bella are very surprised and don't know what to think. They then decide to not tell Bella's parents yet. Bella also sees Jacob she tells him and he is very upset. He changes into ware wolf form and sprints away. No body's seen him since.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Breaking Dawn #4
From pages 80 -110 Bella is sleeping and she wakes up to loud thunder outside the house. She looks to her right and Edward is gone, but there is a note. She carfully picks up the note and to her shock it say, " Dear Bella i went to the main land to hunt, be back in the morning." Bella looks over to the clock, it reads 3:00 a.m. She can't sleep now knowing that Edward is hunting, she goes into the kitchen looking for confort food. She looks in the trash can and there are 17 boxes of eggs, thats how many shes eaten since they've beeen on the island. She make herself a grilled chesse. She later starts to worry its now 10:00 A.M. and Edward has not returned.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Breaking Dawn #3
In the Book Breaking Dawn from pages 57-78 Bella and Edward go on their Honey Moon. They first take a plane to Huston Texas. Then they take a train, after that they get onto a fast power boat, Edward drives for hours and finally they both see land. They come up to a mystical dock, Bella and Edward jump off the dock and run to the magical house in the middle of a jungle. Later they look around the house and there are 3 rooms a white room surrounded by windows and a blue room with some couches and the kitchen. They air is very warm and moist, which is Bell's favorite.
Breaking Dawn #2
From pages 26-54 in Breaking Dawn the two main characters get married. During the wedding one of Bella's friends, Jacob, stops by. Jacob is in love with Bella but Bella only likes him as a friend. Jacob is a ware wolf and when she tells him that in only two weeks she will be turned into a vampire that will live forever, he goes crazy. He gets so upset he transforms from his human form to his ware wolf form. In order to protect Bella two other ware wolfs come and drag Jacob away.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Breaking Dawn #1
Breaking Dawn is a Book by Stephenie Myers, this book is one of the Twilight Sagas. Today I read pages 1-24. So far this book is about a 18 year old girl named Bella and she is getting married to a 17 year old vampire named Edward Cullen. When they first told her father that they were engaged her father was shocked, her mother was so surprised by this news. Edward is a vampire and he will remain 17 for eternity, he will change Bella into a vampire after the wedding and they will like FOREVER together. They will never age, they will never change, they will grow "old" but never die.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tuesday Novemeber 22, 2010- Wednesday Wars
In this book the boy is stuck on Wednesdays again, he is getting very mad at the teacher. Although, all the other kids are at their religious studies, he sometimes wonders what it would be like if he didn't have to be with Mrs. Baker on Wednesdays. When he gets home his sister is really mad, he doesn't know why she is mad. Shes is taking it out on him and he gets very angry because he didn't do anything.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wednesday Wars #6
In this chapter of the book Wednesday Wars. The main characters makes a new friend at school, but he insulates her and she gets really mad. They are reading a book by Shake spear in school. He bring the book, coke, and a rose with a blue ribbon to her house. To apologize to her. His sister is working for a rich politician that says he is going to end the war and their dad is not very happy that she took the job with out consulting with her parents first. She really wants to work for this politician but her parents don't like him, she doesn't know if she should stand up for something she believes in, or if she should do what her parents say.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday Wars #5
Chapter 5 "January" pages 101- 131 in the book Wednesday Wars is about the main character cleaning out the hamster cages in the class room. He thinks he got assigned this job because his teacher hates him "with heat whiter than the sun". He ends up letting the hamsters free by "accident" and they make a nest in the ceiling. The teacher finds them and gets mad at him and makes him leave the room.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wednesday Wars
In chapter 4 of the book Wednesday Wars the main character is sent to a different class room on Wednesdays and the teacher is asking him lots of questions about why he was been sent to a different class room. All day why he is visiting she corrects his grammar why he is speaking and he gets embarrass, and can't help the way he talks. He gets sent out of the class room many many times and he is doing nothing wrong he thinks that the teacher is out to get him. On top of that all every Wednesday they read Shakespeare and he doesn't understand any of it. The teach also gets mad at him for not understanding the reading vocabulary.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Wednesday Wars #3
In this chapter of Wednesday Wars, The main character gets into a fight at school. They are fighting out side at recess about someone cheating on a test. There is also the conflict of presidents being elected and lots of kids are talking about that. The parents are also getting really defencive about the election.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Wednesday Wars #2
In this book Wednesday Wars, They are reading Shakespear and he does not like the book very much yet. The war is going on and nobody is paying attention to him. He feels alone, His teacher is very mean to him. But nobody has time to care. As he starts reading he starts acually to his surptise likes the book.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday Wars #1
I am reading the book Wednesday Wars pages 1-17. This chapter is about a boy who has just started Mrs.Bakers 7th grade class, in 1967 and he thinks that she is out to get him. He goes and tells all of his family members but they have bigger things to worry about. He is now confused and doesent no what to do about the teacher hating him. He has no one to talk to about it. There all to busy think about the vietnam war.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Pretties #3
In the pages 24-42 in the book pretties. Some new people get voted in. At the "bubbly" ball. There are lots of new people and they are just starting to get use to how everything is working. Some of the old pretties are being very nice and are showing them the ropes.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Pretties #2
I read pages 25-31
In this chapter the "pretties" are going to be judged on there appearance. They are going to get new clothing and some of the girls get costumes. The boys dress in nice white, suits and are ready to look the best of there lives. If they do well in this and get many votes they get to choose a place that they think they need to improve and they get to get surgery.
In this chapter the "pretties" are going to be judged on there appearance. They are going to get new clothing and some of the girls get costumes. The boys dress in nice white, suits and are ready to look the best of there lives. If they do well in this and get many votes they get to choose a place that they think they need to improve and they get to get surgery.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I read the book Pretties be: Scott Westfeld. Its the sequal to uglys, I read from page 1-30, It is about a group called the "PRETTIES" that were ounce very ugly. After they get enough votes from other people, they get sergury done and then the move to the prettie group. Even though there perfect there not satisfied. They want every thing to be perfect down to there toes. But that is not always a good thing!
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