Monday, December 13, 2010

Breaking Dawn #5

In the first part of the chapter "Jacob" from pages 110-150. Bella starts to get sick on vacation. She can't keep any food down. Edward starts to get very worried and after a day he takes her back home. They find out that Bella is pregnant. Edward and Bella are very surprised and don't know what to think. They then decide to not tell Bella's parents yet. Bella also sees Jacob she tells him and he is very upset. He changes into ware wolf form and sprints away. No body's seen him since.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Breaking Dawn #4

From pages 80 -110 Bella is sleeping and she wakes up to loud thunder outside the house. She looks to her right and Edward is gone, but there is a note. She carfully picks up the note and to her shock it say, " Dear Bella i went to the main land to hunt, be back in the morning." Bella looks over to the clock, it reads 3:00 a.m. She can't sleep now knowing that Edward is hunting, she goes into the kitchen looking for confort food. She looks in the trash can and there are 17 boxes of eggs, thats how many shes eaten since they've beeen on the island. She make herself a grilled chesse. She later starts to worry its now 10:00 A.M. and Edward has not returned.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Breaking Dawn #3

In the Book Breaking Dawn from pages 57-78 Bella and Edward go on their Honey Moon. They first take a plane to Huston Texas. Then they take a train, after that they get onto a fast power boat, Edward drives for hours and finally they both see land. They come up to a mystical dock, Bella and Edward jump off the dock and run to the magical house in the middle of a jungle. Later they look around the house and there are 3 rooms a white room surrounded by windows and a blue room with some couches and the kitchen. They air is very warm and moist, which is Bell's favorite.

Breaking Dawn #2

From pages 26-54 in Breaking Dawn the two main characters get married. During the wedding one of Bella's friends, Jacob, stops by. Jacob is in love with Bella but Bella only likes him as a friend. Jacob is a ware wolf and when she tells him that in only two weeks she will be turned into a vampire that will live forever, he goes crazy. He gets so upset he transforms from his human form to his ware wolf form. In order to protect Bella two other ware wolfs come and drag Jacob away.